Friday, June 18, 2021

Why It Is So Difficult To Quit Smoking& How Vaping Can Help


According to the WHO tobacco smoking is accountable for the demises of nearly 5 million people every year. In spite of educating people regarding the serious health effects of smoking, nearly 22 percent of adults in the US are smokers. Studies have discovered that even though eighty percent smokers would like to quit smoking, less than 5% are able to quit their own because of the highly addictive properties of nicotine.

Stopping smoking is tough for many reasons, including but not limited to:

Nicotine is exceedingly addictive:

Nicotine arouses pleasure centers in the brain & is exceedingly habit-forming. When nicotine is supressed, the smoker will experience physical withdrawal symptoms, making the person wish to begin smoking again to avoid the withdrawal symptoms. Each individual experience nicotine withdrawal symptoms a little differently.

Genetic predisposition:

As science advances, the effects of genetics have been found to influence many health problems that were believed to be the domain or behaviour only. Researches have confirmed a drastic genetic contribution to smoking behaviour. Also, it has been discovered that genetics differentially influence the multiple aspects of smoking, such as the impulse to start smoking, continuing on to become a “smoker”, etc. This may elucidate why some people can’t stand smoking at all, some can smoke sporadically with a “take it or leave it” approach, and others will become regular smokers.

These factors explains why, even employing behavioural approaches & anti-smoking drug, the relapse rate for smoking is rather high.

Can vaping help in stopping smoking?

In recent years, e—cigs or vapes have become a very popular stop smoking aid in the United Kingdom. They are known to be far less injurious than traditional cigarettes can and can help you quit smoking for good.

Many thousands of people have already stopped smoking with the aid of an e-cig. There is growing evidence that vaping can be effective in stopping smoking. Using an e-cig can help you get a control over your nicotine cravings. To make the best use of it, ensure you are using it as much as you need to & with the appropriate strength of nicotine in your vape liquid.

A major clinical research done in UK found that when merged with expert face-to-face support, people who used e-cigs to quit smoking were two times as likely to succeed as people who employed other nicotine replacement products like gum or patches.

Unicorn Frappe Vape Juice

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