Saturday, August 17, 2019

Some Vaping Do’s & Don’ts You Must Know

There has been so much criticism about vaping by non-vapers and this pessimistic viewpoint has only been aggravated by discerning media reports. So it is really critical that we as vapers stay alert about our actions & well0mannered towards people who don’t vape so that we can relish vaping without upsetting others or bringing about negative stereotypes.


Here are some vaping do’s & don’ts to ensure everybody around you is at ease when you are vaping.
  • Don’t vape in others’ face because it is discourteous & can even make fellow vapers upset.
  • Don’t vape in indoor spaces without the approval from the owner of the space. You may relish the smell coming from your e-juice, but not others, and some people may even get allergies when they are exposed to vapor for a long span of time.
  • Don’t vape in houses, cars, or small spaces with children. Kids have no control over their environment & shouldn’t be exposed to vapor in a restrained area. Seeing you vape could also make them think that vaping is something they should try – which is not something that you want to promote.
  • Don’t buy an e-cig on behalf of a kid. This isn’t just illegal, but also encourages young people to vape. Vaping was introduced to make people get rid of their nicotine habit, not to start one.


  • When vaping in public, try to blow out your vapor directly up or down to so that it don’t get into other’s personal spaces. Be certain to check out the wind condition, because even a light gust can waft your puffed out vapor into somebody else’s space.
  • Always try to make use of a small, low-powered device when vaping in public. High powered vapes that produces large volume of vapor may cause annoyance to others in the nearby area.
  • Always avoid vaping in smoke-free spaces. Even outside, most buildings will list the minimum distance from entrances or exit that one can vape or smoke. Be courteous & ensure that you are far enough from any doors.
  • Vape in chosen smoking areas.


Looking for the best vape juice for the ultimate vaping experience? Visit E Juice Store now to order Tropic Bubblegum by Candy King Bubblegum Collection. This is a perfect blend for all-day vape. Order it now!

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